Jumaat, 27 April 2012

Jika connections macam siput

Saya selalunya akan increase disk space.  Tengok di bawah, saya dah tepek untuk kemudahan.

Diambil daripada Microsoft At Work : Work Remotely

How to increase browsing speed: 7 ways to work faster on slow connections
Ever wonder how to make your Internet connection faster or how to increase browsing speed? If you are trying to get things done, there is nothing like a slow connection to thwart your best efforts. But there are things you can do to browse faster—even when your Internet connection is working slowly.
This article will show you how to increase your productivity when your connection is slow. Many of these steps are also good tips for how to increase the speed of browsing and of sending and receiving email.

1. Send multiple files faster by compressing them

If you're sending multiple files—for example, several files related to a single project—you can reduce their combined size by using a compression utility. Compressing your files can dramatically reduce the time needed to send files online, and compressed files don't take up as much space in your (or the recipient's) email Inbox. WinZip is one of the more common compression tools.

Compress files

2. Increase browsing speed by turning off graphics in Windows Internet Explorer

Graphics are important to web pages, but they also take time to download if you're online. You can turn them off to speed your Internet browsing.

Disable graphics in Internet Explorer

1.   On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2.   In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
3.   In the Settings box, scroll down to the Multimedia section. Clear the
      following check boxes.
  •  Play animations in web pages
  •  Play sounds in web pages
  •  Play videos in web pages
     Note: This option is available in Internet Explorer versions before
     Internet Explorer 8.
  •  Show pictures
4.   Click Apply.
Internet Options dialog box, Advanced tab, with Settings check boxes selected To turn graphics on again, on the Tools menu, in the Internet Options dialog box, on the Advanced tab, under Multimedia, select the same check boxes, and then click Apply.

3. Send email using Contact Groups (Distribution Lists)

If you're sending an email to multiple people, create a Contact Group (previously known as a Distribution List) instead of listing each recipient separately. Messages are sent more quickly and efficiently when you're using a Contact Group. Your company may have established procedures for creating mailing lists. If not, learn how to create and edit a Contact Group in Microsoft Outlook.

4. Reduce email size with simple email signatures

Email signatures leave a professional stamp on your messages, but elaborate signatures that include multiple images take up a lot of unnecessary storage space in each email. Ultimately, they can slow down the time needed to send each message. Instead, create distinctive text signatures combining fonts, type sizes, and colors to make your email signature smaller and quicker to transmit and receive. Learn how to create email signatures in Microsoft Outlook.

5. Work offline using Cached Exchange Mode in Outlook

Even if you lose your network connection, you can continue working in Microsoft Outlook if you're using Cached Exchange Mode. With Cached Exchange Mode, a copy of your mailbox is stored on your computer. This copy provides quick access to your data and is frequently updated with the mail server. If you work offline, whether by choice or due to a connection problem, your data is still available to you instantly wherever you are. Cached Exchange Mode does require you to work with a Microsoft Exchange Server email account. Learn more about using Cached Exchange Mode.

6. Browse offline by saving web pages on your computer

If you use or reference a specific webpage often, save it locally to your computer. If you lose your connection or are working on a slow connection, you'll still be able to read and find the information you need.

Save a web page on your computer

  1. In Internet Explorer, go to the web page you want to save.
  2. On the Page menu, click Save As.
  3. In the Save As type drop-down menu, select web page, complete.
  4. Select the location where you want to save the webpage.
  5. Click Save.

7. Open webpages faster by increasing your cache

If you increase the size of the temporary Internet files cache in Internet Explorer, your computer won't have to work so hard when you revisit webpages. Many of the images will already be downloaded on your computer, decreasing the amount of time it takes to open a page.

Increase the Temporary Internet Files cache in Internet Explorer

  1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  2. On the General tab, in the Browsing history section, click Settings.
  3. In the Temporary Internet Files dialog box, under Check for newer versions of stored pages:, click the Automatically button. Then, set the Amount of disk space to use: to at least 250 megabytes (MB).
  4. Click OK.
    Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Bila anda tak mampu...

Bila perbelanjaan anda lebih daripada pendapatan...
Jangan sesekali menggunakan kad kredit untuk menampung kehidupan..
Jika sesekali, mungkin tak ape lah kot. Tapi bila berterusan, do something.  Tambah pendapatan anda.  Kadang-kadang susah juga untuk tambah pendapatan apabila mempunyai masalah seperti kesihatan diri yang tidak sihat, keluarga yang tak sihat....mungkin akan susah untuk tambah pendapatan kan...jadi carilah agensi yang boleh membantu.  Janganlah cari baitul maal sahaja...kita kan kena berusaha.  Jika menggunakan cara macam itu, selepas senang, sumbanglah supaya orang lain pun dapat kemudahan yang sama...

Okey....bila ada masa lapang, saya akan menulis panjang mengenai jabatan insolvensi dan akpk. Sekarang ini tak leh lah, kerana tuntutan tugas.  Ini pun break kerana nak hilangkan mengantuk.

Apa-apa catatan di sini bukannya mewakili 2 organisasi tersebut. 

AKPK hanya berurusan dengan orang yang tidak muflis.  Kalau dah muflis/bankrap, AKPK tak dapek lah nak nolong.  Boleh lihat di sini http://www.akpk.org.my/

Untuk ke AKPK pun, kena tengok jugak.  Bayaran dikenakan berdasarkan pada jumlah hutang.  Jika bayaran yang dikenakan apabila join AKPK lebih atau hampir sama dengan gaji bersih kita....tentu susahkan...nak makan apa?.  Anda boleh declarekan diri anda bankrap...kena pegi ke cawangan terdekat insolvensi untuk dapatkan maklumat ini. 

Kalau anda tak pernah ambil tindakan, tak pernah buat bayaran dan sebagainya, bank akan ambik tindakan untuk bankrapkan anda. Minima hutang yang membolehkan bank membuat tindakan, iaitu RM30K. Bila dah muflis, banyaklah sekatan-sekatan ke atas seseorang bankrap itu.  Nak details, check lah kat sini http://www.insolvensi.gov.my/

Ari ni besdayku

Alhamdullillah...bertambah lagi umurku...
Ya Allah, semoga kehidupan dan kehadiran ku di dunia ini memberi manafaat kepada orang sekeliling.

Hadiah besday ku....ada setengah urusan alhamdullillah, selesai...
Tapi yg paling tak leh tahan nye...bila admin maklumkan dalam emel kata gaji baru + tunggakan+kenaikan gaji hanya akan dibayar pada Julai nanti...malas nak cakap apa...

Tingkatkan diri, jauhkan dari spekulasi, ikhlas kan diri dalam bekerja....ceria sokmo..

P/s tahap boring gaban kat pejabat....otak pun membeku..

Khamis, 12 April 2012

Kehilangan itu pasti..

Telah agak lama juga tidak mencatatkan coretan di sini..
Cuti semalam, dikejutkan dengan perginya si hitam, mutia.

Masih terbayang di ruang mata, malam itu, dia seolah kelaparan walaupun telah diberi makan nasi, whiskas sebanyak 3 kali.  Dia masih lagi menyondol2 tudung saji. Ku kejutkan cik suami untuk keluarkanya bersama dgn anak-anaknya.  Dalam pukul 2 pagi, terkejut dgn salakan anjing, rupanya si hitam ku dikejar anjing.  Ku suruh cik suami melihat, katanya mutia tak ada, hanya ada 3 ekor anak2nya sedang tidur...Takan nak mencari dalam gelap malam dan salakan anjing...

Esok, kawan anak bagitau, mutia kejung dekat dgn rumahnya, Anak kata badanya ada titik2 darah.

Ku tidak pernah hiraukan si hitam ini.  Walaupun anak2ku terlalu sayangkannya, aku tak pernah membelainya dan hanya kekadang geli hati melihat telatahnya dgn anak2nya.  Ya Allah, apabila mendapat khabar itu, menitis air mataku.  Hadirnya tak pernah ku hiraukan, tapi perginya amat dirasai. Ku kehilangan duit yg mana itu lah saja duit yg ku ada untuk belanja anak2 ku, kehilangan 2 kali dalam selang seminggu lebih sahaja, walaupun risau ia tak terkesan di hati...tapi betul2 kehilangan ini buat ku merinduinya...malam ini, malam ke dua si anak2 itu tidur tanpa ibunya, ingat nak biarkan dalam rumah, tapi seekor dah buat pelaburan besar-besaran di dapur.  Terpaksa letak mereka di luar rumah.  Dah dua kali ku dengar suara-suara kecil mengiau...mencari ibunya kot....

Sesungguhnya mati itu pasti, pada semua kehidupan...manusia, tumbuhan, binatang...bilakah kita?